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If you’re a sophomore in high school You’re likely to consider college applications and tests that are standardized, such as the PSAT. What exactly is an PSAT? The PSAT or Preliminary Scholastic Assessment Test, is a test that measures the reading, math and writing abilities for high-school students. It’s a way to prepare students for the test for the SAT test which is a major aspect for college admission.

Although the PSAT will not affect your college application It can provide important feedback about the strengths as well as weaknesses of your character, allowing you to modify your plan of study to suit. The question that is now on the table is: what’s a good PSAT scores for an incoming sophomore? Do you really need to be taking the PSAT as you are a sophomore?

Sophomore PSAT Score Percentile

A  good PSAT score for the sophomore is greater than 1060, putting you within the 75th percentile or more. The average PSAT score of 920. An exceptional PSAT result is that is above 1180 for students in the 10th grade. That means you scored better than 75% or more of test takers. A score of the 50% percentile which is also known as the median, means that you performed better than the majority of test-takers. The greater your score is, the more impressive your performance.

If you are a sophomore who took the PSAT in 2021, a score of 1060 points out of 1520 put within the top 75 percentile. It is clear that the score of 1060 or more is an excellent standard for sophomores who want to achieve the 75th percentile, or better.

PSAT scores can be a reliable indicator of SAT scores. Take the PSAT to practice to determine areas in which you are in need of improvement. By focusing on these areas, you will increase your chances of scoring the better SAT result.

Look over this table to learn the scores that sophomores are typically scoring on the PSAT Both in Math along with Evidence-Based Reading as well as Writing.

Math ScoreEvidence-Based Reading and Writing ScoreTotal Score RangePercentile (10th Grade)
520540–550106075 (good)
450–46047092050 (median)

What Is a Good PSAT Score for a Sophomore?

The College Board, the organization which oversees tests like the PSAT and SAT has created academic standards which can aid in predicting your performance in college. These benchmarks are listed within the PSAT results, which means you’ll be able to see how your scores compare with the scores of other test-takers. 

Your performance/benchmark is represented by a color-coding system:

  • If you score within the green area in the PSAT or SAT You have 75% of the chance of earning at least an C in a first semester college course on that area.
  • If you’re within the yellow range, you’re within a year of academic development of achieving a C grade in the first college class in the area.
  • If you’re in the red area it will take more than a year of additional studies to achieve an C in a college’s first semester course on that area.

A sample of a PSAT Score report card

If you’re a sophomore in high school, you should try to get scores of 430 or better on the EBRW portion on the PSAT or SAT and an average of 480 or more in the Math section in order to meet an “good” benchmark.

Look over this table to find out what you’re PSAT score compares with academic benchmarks.

ColorEvidence-Based Reading and Writing ScoreMath Score

These guidelines can help you establish targets for yourself and keep track of your progress in preparing for college. If you’re unsure which way to go You can try taking exams and speak with an advisor to obtain more details.

Should I Take the PSAT or the PSAT/NMSQT?

If you are taking the PSAT as an undergraduate, you’ll have two choices that include The PSAT 10 as well as the PSAT/NMSQT. It is the PSAT 10 is tailor-made for sophomores, whereas the PSAT/NMSQT could be a bit more challenging.

The majority of students should complete the PSAT/NMSQT by your sophomore year. Although you’re not qualified to be eligible for an award like the National Merit Scholarship in 10th grade, it’s a good opportunity to prepare for your junior year. You could be considered for the scholarship, and is a great option for you to determine the level of your performance.

If the concept of standardized testing is new to you, then the PSAT 10 might be a better option. It’s a gentle introduction standardized testing, providing you with an overview at the layout and contents and assisting you in becoming familiar with the procedure prior to tackling the more difficult PSAT/NMSQT.

Can Sophomores Qualify for a National Merit Scholarship?

The sophomores can’t directly be eligible to be eligible for the National Merit Scholarship. It is true that the National Merit Scholarship Program is only available to juniors in high school. Students in the sophomore class can take the PSAT/NMSQT in order to determine their academic performance and to prepare for the test once they turn junior. The scores they score from the test will not be taken into consideration for applying for the National Merit Scholarship Program until they turn junior.

A high PSAT result for the sophomore which accurately represents your academic performance and puts you in a strong position for college applications. Although there isn’t one score that can guarantee success, getting a score over the 75th percentile generally considered to be a high standard.

The 2023 PSAT 75th percentile scores ranged from 520 to 540 for each section, which resulted in a number of 1060. That indicates that a student who scored 1060 or better is higher than 75percent of classmates.

However, it’s essential to take into account your own goals and aspirations when you evaluate you PSAT score. If you are looking for extremely selective schools scoring in the 90th percentile or more (610 on EBRW, and 580-590 on Math) is more competitive.

In addition to percentiles, think about what is the National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (NMSQT) cut-off score for your state, which is usually about 1470. Attaining this score as a sophomore can make you semi-finalist in the National Merit Scholarship Program, increasing your chances of being eligible for scholarships.

Remember that you’re taking the PSAT is a test for practice Your score acts as a reliable gauge of both your strengths in academics and weak points. Make use of results from your PSAT results to pinpoint areas to improve and then tailor your study schedule accordingly.

Consistent effort and a strategic approach to studying can dramatically increase your chances of getting an high PSA score and place you in the best place to be successful in college admissions.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the typical PSAT score for sophomores?

The typical PSAT score for sophomores is 920. That means the median sophomore scored 460 for each section.

2. What is the National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (NMSQT)?

This NMSQT is a variation of the PSAT which can be used to determine the your eligibility in the competition for National Merit Scholarships. To be eligible for an National Merit Scholarship, you must be among the top 5percent of PSAT participants within your particular state. For the NMSQT in 2023 The cutoff of sophomores is 1470.

3. How many times do I have to take PSAT? PSAT test?

The PSAT/NMSQT can be taken for up to three times in high school. The test is only available every year, however students are able to avail the test during their freshman or sophomore years if they decide to take it. The score, however, can only be used to determine scholarships in that junior season.

4. What is a poor PSAT score?

A poor PSAT score is generally deemed to be less than 920.